CULTURAL SHOCK From Nairobi to Copenhagen: seeing Christianity from the other side
"CULTURAL SHOCK", won the documentary prize, at the 15th European TV Festival of Religious Programmes, May 2004. A couple of hundred programs were entered for competition from all major networks in Europe. The festival is the most important of its kind in Europe.
They met a couple who paid church tax but never used the church, a choir paid to sing in the church on Sundays without being part of the congregation, a gay pastor and his partner living together in the community-house.
It was a shock, but the question is, can you judge a church on your own expectations?
'It wasn't what we thought it would be. It was a shock.'
The twins Emily and Gladys from Kenya were speaking after a visit to the Lutheran state church in Denmark.
They had expected to find a church similar to their own. Instead they found a church with plenty of money but very few people caring about church life.
Clients: DR Danish Radio-TV &
World Council of Churches, Switzerland